Latest Past Events

Algorithmic Sound 5: Matthew D. Gantt A Masterclass with artist, composer and educator Matthew D. Gantt on spatial sound in virtual reality. Based between NYC and Troy, NY, Gannt's practice focuses on sound in virtual spaces, generative systems facilitated by idiosyncratic technology, and digital production presets as sonic readymades. He worked as a studio assistant to electronics pioneer Morton [...]


Algorithmic Sound 4: Soyun Park (RGBdog) Soyun Park is a media artist and designer from South Korea, based in The Hague, The Netherlands. She has great interest in technology, interactivity, sound, and its interrelation with humans. She is also the founder of studio RGBdog. Her works have taken the form of video essays, audiovisual performances, and interactive media installations. She has [...]


Algorithmic Sound 3: RJ Clark (Smartphones) Smartphones is a collection of Max for Live devices built by Rochester based artist and musician Jr Clark. These devices bring new workflow and performance capabilities to Ableton Live through a process coined “action based sequencing.” Taking cues from hardware modular sequencing, each of the devices connect to each other via text matching, allowing the user to create complex [...]

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