Matthew Ryals is a musician, sound designer, and educator based in Brooklyn, NY. Primarily working with a modular synthesizer, his music explores aleatoricism, cybernetics, and unfixed forms. Currently, his research investigates human-machine collaboration and the co-authorship of the resultant material. Tiny Mix Tapes has described his music as “filter[ing] the emotion of the human experience through the cold circuitry of electronics”.
His second album, Voltage Scores, was released October 8th, 2021 on Oxtail Recordings. Inspired by free jazz methodology, the entire album was recorded live without overdubs during the COVID-19 pandemic and merged free improvisation, generative processes, and the multi-sectional forms of classical composition. The album opener features world renowned cellist, Clarice Jensen, who has collaborated with Bjork and Max Richter. Matthew’s solo output is spread across Oxtail Recordings (Sydney, AU), Post Season Franchise Records (NYC, US), Low Hanging Fruit (Cologne, DE) and his own imprint, Behind Glass Records (NYC, US).
Matthew Ryals – | interview with 15 questions
Algorithmic Sound Series –
Organized & Hosted by Jacob Sachs-Mishalanie –